The dreaming body, though its many fibres and filaments of light, connects us into all of life; our human relationships, our relationship with the world around us, and our relationship with the universe and its creator. The dreaming body is part of our subtle anatomy; a luminous egg that sits energetically in the gut/womb/spirt womb area. It is a smaller version of the aura- the luminous egg all around us.
The Dreaming body connects us to our soul and our soul’s purpose; the dream we had when we came into being. The dreaming body operates through feeling, passion and desire; to bring us the recognition of our soul’s purpose; living a life which gives us spirit and makes our heart sing.
Carlos Castaneda describes intent as a stream of energy flowing through the universe. We just need to know what intent to put into our energy stream, and then we might create our dreams and visions in our everyday life. Intent has power. It attracts more energy to it from universal energy. When we have a clear intent, it’s easier to manifest our dreams.
“If we create from our dreams to help in the quest of becoming and living from our soul self, in our everyday lives, then we can become a sacred human being.” Carrie Jost; founder of Creative Kinesiology.
The dreaming body has many aspects including the softly glowing luminous egg of the dreaming body itself, the prana point, the fibres and filaments of light, the assemblage points.
The Prana Point
This point on the lower left side of the ribcage helps us to balance our giving and receiving in life. If we are balanced in this, we have energy and feel content. We can choose who to and when we give, and what we wish to receive. The balance of this point stops us “giving it all away” or “unable to receive” or worse “leaking our energy without choice”.
The Assemblage points
The Static Assemblage Point
When we are born we are full of grace- the grace of spirit. This energy is held within the assemblage points. In the first years of life the static or fixed assemblage point moves from our navel – the point of “oneness”, up through the centre of the body and settles in-front of our right shoulder. This facilitates learning and connects us to our path of karma, allowing us to recognise the patterns we are caught in and may wish to change.
Through spiritual development, our assemblage point may move back towards the belly, settling somewhere on the midline of the body such as the thymus, the heart or the solar plexus. When this point moves, we perceive life a little differently, we may feel more connected to everything, more flexible and loving.
It is possible to move this point, to bring about a change of perception, enabling you to feel more connected to life, to have a sense of belonging, your place within the whole of life and the joy this brings.
The moving assemblage point
This point moves through the meridian system, keeping our bodies healthy and flexible.
The Great Light Assemblage point
The Soul vine fibre from our navel, connects us into the centre of the universe – giving us a broad view of life and an alignment with source. Here we sense the infinite possibilities available to us.
The Dreaming body and the Vagus nerve
Balancing the Vagus nerve deepens our relationship with ourselves, our people and the world around us.
If the Vagus nerve is frozen, we may dissociate, become numb or in some way leave this reality (switch off). We might feel depressed or uninterested in life. We may lose direction, loose our dream and be unable to create our lives.
Its challenging to return from a frozen response in the Vagus nerve. This usually happens because of stress, trauma or the re-activation of old trauma. We can really benefit from some professional support here, to encourage and nourish us back into a relaxed place of balance and harmony.
Our dreaming body is based on feeling, desire and emotions, this seems to be important in its working well. Balancing the Vagus nerve supports our dreaming body and our connection to intuition and the best way forwards. For more information on the Vagus nerve read my blog here
Bringing health and vitality into the dreaming body
There are many ways to do this and some fantastic dream healing techniques to clear and awaken our dreaming body. Massage to the gut, belly breathing and a healthy gut microbiome will support our dreaming body. The way we live our lives; doing and becoming what makes your heart sing, enjoying a sense of purpose and meaning will all activate your dreaming body.
If you would like a place to begin, I suggest deep belly breathing. Just put your hands on your belly and give yourself 10 or 15 minutes here and there. And if you would like support, I am offering a series of 3 dreaming body balances to clear and awaken your dreaming body. I can offer this in person at Hennock or remotely via Zoom.
The Dreaming Body and Conscious Dance
Dancing and moving is a great way to experience and expand your dreaming body. Next year I will be offering 5 retreat days on the Dreaming body and Conscious dance. You don’t need any experience in dance; you might prefer to think of it as meditation in movement… it’s all about the listening and following of your natural body impulses. I will be offering the intent for each movement piece as an invitation into your dreaming body. You can read more here about this journey throughout 2025. You are welcome to come for any of the sessions that call to you or you can book the whole series.