Client Stories
Client Stories
Client Stories
Client Stories
Client Stories
Client Stories
An Interview with Jacqueline Lawes
An Interview with Jacqueline Lawes
An Interview with Jacqueline Lawes

Jacqueline Lawes Natural Health / 07880 852247 / Newton Abbot

Mary's Story
Mary was a young woman of just 28 who was in a lot of pain. She had just left a job in a multinational company having worked 12-hour days for five years.
She told me that she had a diagnosis of a genetic problem with her hip joints. Her pelvis was permanently tilted and was regularly painful. She had a very painful neck with restricted rotation and sometimes pain in her lower back.
She told me that she was in her head a lot of the time and was doing a course to help her become more emotionally expressive. Her focus was to stop thinking all the time and to learn to feel more.
I noticed a blue / purple hue around her eyes and a restlessness in her body (a possible water/ fire or water/wood diagnosis in Chinese five-elements).
Session 1
The Kinesiology pre-checks revealed low vitality in her energy bodies. The 2nd and 6th layers of the aura were switched off and her prana point was releasing energy but not taking energy in, revealing that she was able to give but unable to receive.
I started with a four-muscle balance and worked with points to relieve stress in the system and promote circulation. Her five element diagnosis was in wood and water. I worked the Gall Bladder meridian from head to feet to support the wood and help her to find the ground. I then supported the Bladder meridian in the back to raise her vital force and to bring balance to the five-elements.
Session 2 (two weeks later)
Mary reported feeling much better after the first appointment and was not in so much pain. Her neck felt better but was “not entirely free” and she was feeling much better emotionally. She was still noticing hip pain but less than before.
The pre-checks revealed more strength in her energy bodies. But a slow endocrine system. The right ovary and the right adrenal came forward for balancing. The mid brain was switched off (signifying an emotional issue). And the second chakra (creativity) also switched off.
We worked with Balancing the Masculine and Feminine. Also awakening the Magical Child which Mary could really related to. She was working within her spiritual development to allow more enjoyment and play.
We needed to work in the past to track an old issue which was still held in the system. The issue was of male oppression. Mary told me how this had influenced her life. We talked for some time uncovering and witnessing her story.
The five-element diagnosis was wood/water again. The emphasis this session was to support the Gall bladder meridian by strengthening the channel, head to toe. I also worked more thoroughly the shoulders and the neck to bring increased circulation throughout and to promote connection between her mind and body.
Session 3 (three weeks later)
Mary reported that the last session had felt very effective and that her body had a reaction of feeling the cold for a few days afterwards. Otherwise she was feeling good; much stronger generally. Her neck was still clicking occasionally but there was no longer any pain and her hips were feeling much better.
She had been considering how to nourish her magical child and allow more space for play and presence in her life.
Her rechecks revealed hidden dehydration. Hidden dehydration comes up when a person is drinking enough fluids, but some parts of the body cannot "take in" the fluid that is given. This requires working at a cellular level to increase the uptake of water in the cells.
Again we worked with the endocrine system, this time balancing the parathyroid and the adrenals.
Mary talked about her need to know about her path to serve in the world. After some discussion she worked with the statements:
“I can see my path to serve in the world”
“I’m on my path”
“I am expanding into life"
Reactivity showed in the muscles. This can happen when one part of us is "at odds" with another part. For example the mind and the emotions.
I worked the fire and water meridians to help her find balance.
Mary reported feeling much better about finding her work and was ready to take the next steps towards that.

Mary's Feedback
"I went for the sessions with Jacqueline looking for relief for a pain in my physical body. What I hadn’t realised was that I was in need of a holistic healing. She helped me to assess different levels of my body and soul and we could work together to re-establish my energy levels. It was really gentle, but extremely powerful.”